ich bin schon sooo versunken im Text.......
also mal grob gesagt, Tylors Bruder ist kein Selbstmörder, er starb beim Einsturz des World Trade Centers. Er hat eine 11 jährige Schwester, einen Vater der kein Interesse an ihm hat, und einen Stiefvater mit dem er nicht klarkommt, einen Freund Aidan......und One Night Stands......ich schicke euch hier mal das Original in Englisch.....very nice..
A funny scene and yet I had no idea what to think because up until this point, there wasn't a single laugh in the script. Did I miss something? When did this turn into Swingers? Anyway, Tyler and Aidan get into a late night scuffle with some street thugs that results in a police officer pulling a Rodney King and giving Tyler the beat down. Aidan insists he sue but another opportunity presents itself when Aidan finds out that the officer's daughter, ALLY, attends their college. Aidan insists that fucking over the daughter is the perfect way to get back at the officer. Tyler's reluctant at first but eventually makes his move. The two begin a relationship and start to fall for each other - the conflict of course being that sooner or later Tyler will have to meet Ally's father and the truth will come out.
Also die Jungs geraten in eine Schlägerei, was wir schon ausführlich in den Bildern sehen konnten, sie werden festgenommen.
Aidan stellt Ally (Emilie) und Tyler einander vor, beide werden ein Paar, der Vater von Ally ist der Policeofficer der beide festnahm.....das weiss Ally nur nicht.
Although the relationship feels manufactured at first, it eventually finds its rhythm, and you have yourself a cute little story about two people falling for each other despite their respective fucked-up-ness. It's not bad but what bothered me is the misstep it made before the relationship even started. One thing I don't like is when an important decision is made by someone other than the main character. In this case, Aidan pushes Tyler to date Ally to fuck over the officer. Tyler reluctantly agrees and, of course, later falls for Ally. When the difficult decision comes on how to tell Ally that he knew her father from before, it doesn't have nearly the punch it would've had had Tyler been 100% responsible for starting their relationship. This way it's wishy-washy. The spot he's in is kinda his fault but kinda not. You never want this. Always have your protagonist driving the story. It makes him stronger and it makes the story stronger.
Und hier fragt man sich wieder warum musste ich das Script bis zum Ende lesen:
Now up to this point I was thinking, "Why did she want me to read this script so bad? It's just a basic love story." There was nothing about the script that stood out. And then............the ending came. I am a SUCKER for a good ending. I loved The Sixth Sense. I loved The Others. I love anything that makes me rethink the movie I just saw. For its ending alone, Memoirs gets bumped from a "worth the read" to an "impressive". Even though I'm telling you it's coming, you won't figure it out. Trust me. So don't even try. I'm not even sure it completely fits with the story. But it's so shocking that you can't help but..........well, run out and tell someone about it. Someone told me. Now I'm telling you. Check out Memoirs. It very well may shock you. :)
Ja ich bin nun auch geschockt.....was bitte passiert denn am Ende!!!!
und nier noch etwas Dialog:
I sold your girlfriend a toothbrush.
You sold my who? ...What?
That voluptuous, delightfully oblivious little blondie you left in your bed this morning... I sold her a toothbrush. Got three bucks.
Are in order, yes. Because that sale inspired our newest business venture - "The SLUT"
Tyler stares blankly.
The 'Single Lady's Universal Tote'
Tyler stares blankly.
It's the one-night-stand travel pack for women. We throw in some make-up, toiletries, cell phone charger, cab numbers. Retail it at S19.95, maybe do an informercial.
And you think women would buy this? With money?
Hey one-night-stands happen... It's a part of life... like stubbing your toe. Sometimes you misjudge a corner and bend back your pinky toe, other times you wake up in a freshman dorm wearing a field hockey tee shirt wondering why your balls smell like cinnamon...
Tyler gives him a peculiar look.
I sold your girlfriend a toothbrush.
You sold my who? ...What?
That voluptuous, delightfully oblivious little blondie you left in your bed this morning... I sold her a toothbrush. Got three bucks.
Are in order, yes. Because that sale inspired our newest business venture - "The SLUT"
Tyler stares blankly.
The 'Single Lady's Universal Tote'
Tyler stares blankly.
It's the one-night-stand travel pack for women. We throw in some make-up, toiletries, cell phone charger, cab numbers. Retail it at S19.95, maybe do an informercial.
And you think women would buy this? With money?
Hey one-night-stands happen... It's a part of life... like stubbing your toe. Sometimes you misjudge a corner and bend back your pinky toe, other times you wake up in a freshman dorm wearing a field hockey tee shirt wondering why your balls smell like cinnamon...
Tyler gives him a peculiar look.
(Quelle http://www.scriptshadow.blogspot.com/ Author Memoris: Will Fetter)
4 Kommentare:
Klingt irgendwie nach einem bösen Ende und wenn man dann noch den Titel vor Augen hat "Remeber me"....
Bloss das nicht....irgendwas richtig Schlimmes könnt ich nciht ab!! Dann muss man mich aus dem Kino tragen
ja stellt euch vor er stirbt....dann sterb ich mit...auf der stelle...so wie die kleine aus indien die sich wegen michael jackson umgebracht hat......
Ja, das geht gar nicht. Wenn das so wird, kann ich das nciht sehen. So viele Taschentücher gibt es nicht..was heisst Taschentücher. ich werde dann im Kino einfach versteinern!!
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