Auf diesem Blog treffen sich viele unterschiedliche Fans und Bewunderer von Robert.
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Mittwoch, 30. September 2009

Neues Vid......ein bissl was ruhigers......

'Reaching out a hand
There's a hand you want to hold
When the night feels blue
The hand feels cold

The fog takes my breath
But we've got to keep breathing now
Gonna live to tell the tale
Gonna live to tell the tale

The drowning man
And the drowning lady
They're soaked to the skin
Cling like ivy
"I can't let you go" she says
"Hold me now - keep me alive"

The fog comes down
And the stars fall down
The moon leaves the sky
Can't ask why
Got to keep dreaming
Leave me now
Safely in your arms
Felt like home
I want to go home now
Gonna live to tell the tale.' 

Text and Music from All About Eve "Drowning"

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