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Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009

So hier ein paar Speculatius......über den Trailer Start zu Eclipse

Es wird gemunkelt das es bei den Oscars sein könnte was ich wie der Autor des u.g. Textes eher weniger glaube, die Oscars waren noch nie dafür da Filme zu "promoten"

Und die zweite Theorie, das man den Trailer in den Vorspann zu Remember Me Pakt also die Vorschau.....ich denke das ist eher wahrscheinlich.

Also werden wir noch ein wenig warten dürfen, die Zeiten des Erscheinens von Trailern zu Filmen passen in die zweite Theorie....hoffen wir das es doch schneller passiert.

Hier Artikel:

Early Twilight Saga speculation has it that the Twilight Saga Eclipse trailer will appear during the broadcast of the Academy Awards on March 7. Why and where the Eclipse trailer speculation comes from is anyone's Twilight guess since Summit Entertainment hasn't rolled out marketing for Eclipse. With such a big event like the Oscars, why not guess that the Eclipse trailer will make its debut at such a widely viewed broadcast? Does the Twilight Saga Eclipse fit with an Oscar audience? Since so much of New Moon was rolled out at events like the Teen Choice Awards and the multiple MTV awards, the Academy Awards ceremony feels out of place in relation to the audience of Eclipse. But that's just us ...


Some have also speculated that Summit Entertainment is waiting to reveal the first Twilight Saga Eclipse trailer ahead of the Robert Pattinson toplined Remember Me, which is also a Summit film that hits theaters on March 12, 2010. It doesn't take a Twilight Saga genius to see how Remember Me is more on the mark for the first Eclipse trailer than the Oscars.

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