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Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009

Neue Lektüre...

Ich habe mir mal aus UK eine neues Buch kommen lassen

The First Book in The Twishite Saga a Parody
was ich nun nicht ins Deutsche Übersetzen will.....

ein Auszug:

"I want to bite you, Heffa. I want to bite you very hard. I´ll be gentle, I promise. If you really loved me, you´d let me."

Heffa Lump is just a typical, pale and interesting 17 year-old who doubts that anyone will ever see her true beauty. But then she moves to Spatula and meets Teddy Kelledy, an impossibly georgeous boy who eats rare meat, is super-strong and never goes out in sunlight. Could he - just maybe - be a vampire? (Hint: totally)

A tale of first love, painful longing and even more painful pointy teeth, New Moan is a hilarious parody of the phenomenon that is Stephenie Meyer´s Twilight Saga.

Warning: Contains adult material. Not suitable for children...

So ich bin sehr gespannt.....den Prolog habe ich schon gelesen.......sehr ich freu mich auf mehr....kostet 6Pfund bei

Ich werde berichten.....

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